Friday, 28 December 2012

Helpful Eye Care Tips for Computer User’s

With rise of computer usage & many of us spending lots of time in front of the computer (desktop, laptop, iPad, and smart phones) every day. Research is showing a rise in visual problems.Eye-strain,tired eyes, irritation, burning sensations, redness of eyes, dry eyes, blurred, and double vision are commonly experienced by computer users and termed as Computer vision Syndrome ( C .V. S ) .It is a repetitive strain disorder.What can one do? First, it’s important to find out how you can protect your eyes, thorough eye health examinations and by making a few minor changes in your computer viewing habits.

Here are some helpful Eye Care Tips -

Correct positioning is everything 
Correct positioning of your computer, keyboard and typing copy is essential. Your screen should be positioned about an arm’s length (60-75 cm) from your eyes and 15- 20 degrees below eye level  straight in front of you. Consider foot and wrist rests for added comfort. Proper posture & a rightly angled chair will too reduce the neck & eye strain.Font size N9 newspaper print (6/19.2 letter) too will reduce eye strain.

Bilton's proposed term 1,2,10 (one to Ten) can be used for distances for current electronic gadgets.Mobile phones at a distance of one foot (30 cm),2-21/2 feet for desktops and laptops and 10 feet(about 3 meters) for television screens.
Palm tops, laptops and mobile are held closer  ,bigger font and reading corrections should be used.Those working for prolonged hours(>30 hours/week) fine  glasses  corrections too must be corrected to avoid eye strain.

Lighting can make all the difference
Room lighting should be diffuse, not direct, to reduce glare and reflections from your screen.Avoid computer's in the backdrop of a bright light source like large window or bright fluorescent tubes, table lamps and office lighting can wash out screen character images and cause annoyance by reflection and glare. Look into an internal or external glare screen and be sure to set your color, contrast and brightness levels to suit you (more of contrast & less of brightness). Anti-glare screen can be added on your computer for more comfort.

A little extra help for your glasses
Anti-reflective coatings on the lenses of your glasses can be applied by your optometrist to reduce discomfort and to ease reduced vision from bright and/or flickering light sources such as VDTs and fluorescent lights. And don’t forget, your optometrist can help you with eyeglasses designed specifically for people who use computers a lot.Single vision computer glasses are more comfortable than bifocal's for prolonged computer use.  Those nearing 40’s can increase the font size, use intermediate correction or opt for well corrected progressive glasses.

Take time out, our 20-20-20 rule 

Step 1:-
  • After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes as this relaxes your eye muscles used in reading (accommodation).
Step 2:-
  • Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.
Step 3:-
  • Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture or stretch & change your posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.
It’s all in the blinking
Did you know that on average we blink 12-16 times per minute? But wait, did you know that when we’re on the computer we only blink 5 times per minute & that too may be a partial blink? That can add up to dry eyes. Relieve the discomfort by using artificial tear drops or gels and remember to blink!. Computer user's wearing contact lenses are more 12 times more prone to C.V.S( computer vision syndrome).
Avoid turning the air conditioning too high or direct droughts to the face.

Sit straight at your workstation and rub your palms against each other till you feel them warm. The warmth of your palms helps soothe and relax tired eyes. Then, lightly cup your eyes with your palms and relax for 60 seconds. the. Repeat this exercise two to three times whenever your eyes feel tired, or as often as you want. 

Splash water on your face
During breaks, splash water on your face while closing your eyes. This has an overall relaxing effect and helps you feel refreshed.

Use tea bags
Keep two used tea bags in the refrigerator before you leave for work. Once you are home, place the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes as you relax. This not only soothes tired eyes, but also reduces puffiness.

Eat healthy
Incorporate Vitamins A, C, and E on a daily basis; eat citrus fruits, green leafy veggies, tomatoes, spinach, poultry and dairy products. Pack a box of chopped carrots, cucumber and fresh fruits and munch in-between meals at the office. 

Have plenty of fluids, 8 glasses of water every day, it is not only good for your health, but it keeps your skin moist & healthy (esp. those who have dark circles, wrinkles).

Children and Computer's
Children have poorer posture,and  have a tendency to work from a closer distance.They overlook their symptoms of eye strain. So they should be observed and allowed shorter duration.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Does your toddler need glasses?

Good vision is a must for all growing kids especially as their 80-85 % learning is dependent on their vision. This need is enhanced as they start schooling. Parents must be cautious and on look out for early signs & symptoms

Physical Signs 
  1. One or both eyelids droop 
  2. Cornea is showing white opacity
  3. Some white reflex is seen in any of the eye
  4. Iris of one or both eyes appears cloudy 
  5. Excessive tearing in one or both eyes 
  6. Sensitivity to light, excessive blinking in bright light 
  7. Persistent redness in or around the eye(s) 
  8. Swelling or discharge from the eye(s) 
Behavioural Signs 
  1. Rubs eyes frequently 
  2. Consistently sits too close to the TV 
  3. Holds items close to face to read 
  4. Squinting to see things close up or at a distance 
  5. Tilts head to one side to see better 
  6. Closes one eye to read, watch TV, or see better 
If the child is showing any of the above symptoms take him for a complete eye check-up.

The general wisdom is that all children should have their eyes examined prior to beginning primary school. Identifying vision problems early can mean avoiding possible difficulties in the classroom. 

However, if vision problems run in the family, it's probably wise to have your child's vision checked by age 3, sooner if you notice physical problems like squint, seeing less in one eye, or if she/he has difficulty focusing on and following your finger. 

How often should one go?
School-aged children should get their eyes examined every two years. If your child wears glasses they should have their eyes checked annually to monitor any changes in their vision. If there are any complains in vision, redness, watering, stickiness, headaches then it’s time to meet the eye specialist.

Whom to see
Optometrist?  Ophthalmologist? Optician? It can be a little confusing knowing whom to see, especially for your child's first eye exam. Generally, you should choose an eye care professional based on the type of care your child needs. 

Optician: This is an eye-care professional who has been trained to make and fit eyeglasses and to instruct clients in the use of eyewear and contact lenses. They are not eye doctors and do not perform eye exams, nor do they prescribe glasses or contact lenses. 

Optometrist: Also known as a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.), this is a licensed eye care professional who has been trained to diagnose and treat vision problems. They can perform eye exams, diagnose and treat primary eye conditions, and prescribe glasses and contact lenses. Optometrists must receive four years of training and be licensed in order to practice. Optometrists sometimes work in optical stores run by opticians. 

Ophthalmologist: That word is a mouthful, but basically, this is a physician who specializes in medical and surgical eye care. Typically, an ophthalmologist completes four and half years of medical school, one year of internship and follows that up with specialized training in surgeries of the eye and general eye and vision care. Like an optometrist, they can examine the eyes, diagnose and treat eye conditions, and prescribe glasses, and contact lenses; however, the ophthalmologist can also perform simple and complex eye surgeries. 
Choose an eye specialist, if available in vicinity. Keep some time aside as a child’s eye examination may require dilatation with eye drops.

Kid’s with special needs too require a thorough eye examination. They can be dealt gently & a good correction can work wonders for them as they are unable to complain about eye pain, headaches and mostly may present with irritable behaviour.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Wait and Think! Are your eyes healthy?

Are you seeing stars or flashes of lights, or cow webs floating, or colored haloes around light source, read without you reading glasses...Well you are not developing supernatural vision nor are things going to become better by ignoring. Get over your fear (doctor or dread of disease), as you are still able to see! All you need to do is fix an appointment with your eye specialist.

Floaters or cow webs are tiny thread like floating objects we see in our field of vision. They are better appreciated against a light background. Most of the times they are harmless aging changes. They have slow random projectile type of movement. Many adults can observe one or two floater in one of their eyes. Better if you can increase antioxidants in your diet. If there is sudden increase in size, number or prominence, or they start disturbing your visual field it’s time to see an eye doctor. There can be associated flashes of light.

Sometimes some of us see flashes of light or stars falling or moving in one direction inside our eye. These star showers can be in spurts or continuous. First of all leave all heavy jobs and lie down to rest.  There are higher chances if you wear high minus number (Lasik removes your number by changing the contour of your cornea, but your eyeball remains unchanged and carry’s the associated weakness),had some eye trauma (sometimes even a minor one), had retinal detachment in one eye or even a family history. Even if flashes stop by themselves, it is advisable to get a thorough retina examination done.

You observe a blue red circle around a light source such as vehicle headlights, lamps etc. Some describe it as a rainbow around light. Check for associated redness, stickiness, watering, discomfort, eye pain, headache, time of the day (morning/evening). Colored haloes can be seen sometimes in eye infections. They can be appreciated in early cataracts by some. Glaucoma may too present with it. So visit an eye specialist to find out what is the cause in your case.

After using reading glasses for some years lately one feels that he/she can see well without the glasses. An above 40 years old is thrilled with the thought! This is an indication that your minus number is increasing due to nuclear sclerosis; in simple words you are developing cataract. Hence an eye check-up is due.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Eye Care Tips For You

It really is an amazing world; you need an open mind & eyes to see it! For those who are making an effort to read this article, let me congratulate them…as 85% of our learning is dependent on our vision. So about time we stopped taking things for granted .Let me start with some simple tips

·         BLINK MORE- Sounds crazy, but many of us on computers (even the ones reading) are in a habit of blinking partially & infrequently. This leads to unstable tear film, which is carrying the nutrients for our avascular cornea, hence bleary red tired eyes. Blink about 16times/minute…count or autosuggest choice is yours, the world will not be over in a blink!! So relax n blink (use lubricants if you feel dry, even an eyewash will do)

·         FOOD- All most all of us love it, (the ones who are on diet love it more). We all are really busy , running out of time, lots of jobs piled up ,single handed saving the world…so a skip of meal, a handy  burger, pasta, pizza, fries, noodles… anything fast & available has become a part of our lifestyle. Health supplements’ like vitamins, antioxidants, omega, proteins, and nutrients will make up for the deficiency & cover-up our inefficiency and self neglect. But does it really…think for a moment you know the answer! Keep 30 minutes of your life to pamper yourself with one good healthy leafy fresh meal…less of oil, salt is more of life!!

·         MAKEUP- Half the world loves it and other half admires it! Eyes hold the thrown…big innocent eyes, brown/blue eyes, smoldering eyes, smoky eyes, twinkling stars …list is never ending. The extent people go to achieve that look has more risks than the stock market. Nevertheless we all take it… A well calculated risk leads to success, but for others downfall follows. So apply the best & smallest pack (so that it can be changed every 2-3 months) eye makeup which stays on the outside (make sure you don’t have the allergic skin type). Anything inside the eye is a strict no…even the branded or desi kajal, kohl, surma. Remember to takeoff the makeup & stop if you notice any signs of redness, puffiness or irritation.

·         CONTACT LENS Lenses are great whether it is for number correction, corneal disease or cosmetic makeovers. Getting a right fit, proper number, correct lens material & learning how to wear them is an essential requirement (not a trivial issue).Most lens problems originate from improper & inadequate knowledge. They do cutoff the oxygen supply by 80%, so give some breathing time to your lovely cornea! Wear glasses for a change (add a dash of color to your life with the colorful ones if you like), don’t over wear your lenses (avoid more than 10 hrs). Don’t sleep with your lenses in your eyes. Contact lenses can give most dreadful infections, which will be neither liked by you nor by your eye specialist. After years of lenses use all of us feel like the specialist, and get a little careless about the hygiene regime .Don‘t save money by over using your lenses, save your eyes! This is always better in long run.

·         ROUTINE EYE CHECK-UPHow many of us go for a routine eye check-up on our own? School check-up  employment forms & optical shops are a good screening but they do not suffice. The details of your health that your eye specialist can learn & give through an eye check-up is stunning, besides correcting your refractive errors & eye diseases. Eyes are a reflection of your mind, soul & body not only in spiritual but also in physical sense. Why fear an eye specialist, the most harmless of all with some lights up their sleeves, so about time you saw one & told him/her what has been bothering your eye!